Thursday, January 3, 2013

All about me!

Hello, everyone!!
My name is Suyeon Ryoo.
I live in South Korea in a small place named "Chuncheon".
Let me introduce myself a little more.
I like to buy pens and write with all different colors of pens.
I might not have more pens that you do but I like to buy them and use them when I am studying or also when I need to write things that is important and when I need to write.

In addition, I like to listen to music. I like K-pop the most. I like to listen to Lee Seung-gi's songs. He sings very well and he is my favorite singer!
Finally I like to travel around the world by airplanes. I didn't have a lot of time to travel around the world but later, I want to travel to many different countries. For instance, Spain, France, China, Japan and also other countries~!
Thank you for reading.


  1. Hi Su Yeon,

    It was interesting to learn about you and the things you like. I also love to travel so we have that in common. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

  2. Hi!
    It was enjoyable to learn what you like and what you want to do. I once collected many different kinds of pens. I also love to travel and I visited Europe last summer. I hope you can travel all around the world in the future!

    -Yongwook, Oh (Writing TA)

  3. Hi!!!
    SuYeon it was good to read this because it had pictures
    It made me easier to read and understand
    Also I didn't know that you liked pens so it was interesting to know more things about you
